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Double workout on Wednesday. Back in Bogliasco on Thursday afternoon


Double workout on Wednesday. Back in Bogliasco on Thursday afternoon

Claudio Ranieri had the squad train morning and afternoon on Wednesday as preparations for Sunday’s match against Roma were ramped up in Bogliasco.

In the morning the Blucerchiati were split into groups for strength work in the gym and technical drills.

After lunch the players warmed up then played a 5 v 5 tournament with a series of games in small spaces. Primavera goalies Lorenzo Avogadri and Matteo Raspa were rafted in to make up the numbers.

Julian Chabot did personalised recovery work and Omar Colley had a session in the pool.

Albin Ekdal was the last player to return to the training ground after international duty in the late afternoon.

Meanwhile Karol Linetty and Morten Thorsby continued with their respective recovery programmes, the former working with the ball for the first time today and the latter now close to returning to fitness. Andrea Seculin had physio.

The team’s next session is set for Thursday afternoon.

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